I am so proud to say, Welcome to Go Fork Yourself! The food blog for Foodies that don’t take themselves too seriously. You will soon find out why this name is perfect for me!
This launch has been a long time coming! I have wanted to do this for almost 4 years and kept letting my day job get in the way. What better way to satisfy my love of cooking and baking, while adding skills to my resume than to build and operate a food blog?!
You will see successes and failures on this blog. Failures are as much a part of life as successes. Sometimes it doesn’t turn out exactly as we would like, but it is a lesson. I just had to turn the whole house fan on to clean the smoke from a bad experience with too much egg wash on a batch of bagels. OOPS! The smoke has cleared and I am carrying on.
You will be seeing lots of baking, cooking and making in general. I will be cooking and baking from scratch, but I am a firm believer in Semi-Homemade foods. We don’t always have to spend hours in the kitchen to get a great meal or dessert. For example, a cake mix with a few ingredient changes can be very hard to tell apart from a fully from scratch cake.
Some of my posts will be about foods that require no cooking or baking, just some clever arrangement on a plate or tray. Not everything that tastes great needs to be a lot of work. Sometimes it is just as good to get a solid recommendation on a prepared food you always wanted to try; but are not certain you will like or that is it worth the money. Wait until you try my Aunt Sandy’s Pimento Cheese appetizer/snack.
I plan on including a section on crafting, or as it has recently been renamed, making. Lately, I have found myself with the time to attempt a lot of crafts I have always wanted to. Hopefully these posts will encourage or discourage you from trying your hand at some of the things I show. I sat discourage because some things are just, yep I can do it. What do I do with all this extra stuff?
I have told you about what you will be seeing, now let’s talk about what you won’t be seeing. We are all very busy. Chances are if you are looking at my blog, you have a good idea about how to cook and bake. You are not going to find long drawn out posts, full of information overload. I promise that you will not have to scroll and scroll to find my recipes. This is going to be as long winded as I get. Short and sweet is my goal.
Again, welcome to Go Fork Yourself! I hope you find my blog interesting, informative and a bit funny.
Luann Houser says
Hello to Go Fork Yourself!
I’m looking forward to that bagel recipe, it’s something I’ve only tried once or twice. I’ll have my house fan ready!!
Good Luck!!!!
goforkyourselfblog@aol.com says
Thank you Luann! Recipes posts are coming soon!
Stephanie Gresham says
Ooooh! This is too exciting! Can’t wait to see all the new ideas, recipes and inspiration for “making”. Congratulations on your launch!